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  • Changzhou Ruihao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

    Committed to industrial bactericides, preservatives and...

    Our products are being used in the antisepsis and sterilization field of water
    treatment, paint, leather and wood.

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    Our products

      About Us


      Founded in 2004, Changzhou Ruihao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd has descended from Wujin Hengfeng Chemical Factory. Since foundation, the company has dedicated to the industrial fungicides, preservatives and water treatment agents, etc. The products can be used for the anticorrosion and sterization in water treatment, paint, leather, wood and other fields. Sustaining high growth of sales volume since its inception in 1998, the company has hundreds of employees which is originally 20 at the beginning and now has nearly 10 technicians. The company always places the technology and quality in the first place, many of the products produced by the company all play the role as leaders in the domestic market, and our products have been highly praised by...

    Ruihao is looking forward to working with you!

    Changzhou Ruihao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

    Add: 4F, No.1 Industrial Avenue, Zouqu Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China.
    Zip code: 214446
    Contact: Mr.Du
    Sales Hotline: +86-519-81297986
    Fax: +86-519-81297686
    E-mail: duyufeng@hengfengchem.com
    URL: http://www.ah5555.com , http://www.hengfengchem.com

    Mailbox login User: @hengfengchem.com Password:

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      Copyright(C)2018, Changzhou Ruihao Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved. Supported by ChemNet ChinaChemNet Toocle Copyright Notice 備案序號:蘇ICP備05042830號

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